Oh shit!!! So damn boring...
These days keep plan what to during this 2 months break...
List 1: Work...
Work as what?
Do I have time?
Can you find the job?
DAMN!!! I don't know!!!
List 2: Backpack...
You have money or not?
You parents will say or not?
Yea... I don't have money... and my parent sure tekk :"GO WORK la..." SO... Go back to 1st list...
List 3: Learning...
Ya... I paid deposit to learn Japanese... Haha!! YEAH!!! I start my 1st career ticket plan already!
What? You go learn Japanese? Come on!! No use one lar!
What? You want to customize yourself like Sailormoon or some Dragonball - Goku???
Why my friends all so discourage and can't just support me!!! AND I wonder why I will have these friends...= =
Yea, I think I am making some progress...!!!
Oh ya! When I fill the application form...
There are one column ask me to "Why you want to learn this language or something"
Here is the option I can choose
a) abroad study
b) Enrich knowledge
c) For working
d) Work overseas
and I was like can i choose "I just want to play Japanese game., that why..." =..= But honestly, I just want to learn more things and Japanese actually attracted me! Guess what... you know which I choose... =..= I choose A because I accidentally choose that one... and I don't want to rub the like "Multiple choice answer sheet".... so... just let it be...
Ok!! Basically... my holidays plan is not a plan... I actually plan "See how things go" But sometime just can't.... so after exam... I will start a new plan!!!
AND... for this article viewer(s)... if you have any suggestion... don't hesitate to leave them in the comment box... I need them so much... and....... I am shy to msn you and ask you = //// =
So... Cheer!!!!
***Before end... click the music box i just added... Save me...***
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